a wide range of
Environmental equipment
It is available in a wide range
as needed
What we deal with
Manufacture and distribution of laboratory equipment and instruments.
Beakers, Flasks, Dishes, Funnels, Pipettes, Burettes, Cylinders, Cylinders with Stopper, Test Tubes, Centrifuge Tubes, Butyrometers, Bottles DURAN and Other Glasses, Other Glassware, Weight Dishes, Desiccators, Alcohol Burner, Other Glassware
Glass Equipment
Soxleth Extractor, Gas Generator Equipment, Determination of Volatile Acids
Plastic Ware
Containers, Bottles, Wash Bottles, Sample Containers, Centrifuge Tubes, Petri Dishes, Stir Rods, Patterns.
Crucibles, Marcuson Crucibles, Conradson Crucibles, Weighting and Burning Boats, Mortars and Pestles, Evaporating Dishes, Rectangular Trays, Beakers with Lip, Buchner Funnels, Jars for Shelves, Ball Mills and Colloid Millss.
Metal Ware
Test Tube Racks, Baskets for Washing, Scoops, Patendula, Stand for Stomacher Bags, Stands for Burettes and Bunsen Burner, Metal Net, Tweezers, Spoons, Tongs, Preparation Tools, Aluminum Petri Dish, Blust Pump.
Densitometers and Thermometers
Densitometers, Thermometers, Refraktometers, Alkoholometer.
Digital Pipettes, Dispenser, Microsyringes.
Laboratories at Schools
Soil Preparation and Analysis, Water Analysis, Meteorology, Environmental Protection, Analysis Sets, Milk, Viticulture.
Thermal Equipment
Ovens – Thermostats, Vacuum Pumps, Furnace, Destroyers – Distillators, Soxleth Extractor, Micro Block Thermostat, Water Baths, Heating Plates Sand Bath – Heaters Water Distillation Apparatuses, Climate Boxes, Seed Testing Equipment according to JACOBSEN, Climatic Test Boxes, Steam Sterilizers, Germicidal Lamp, Heating Equipment with Infrared Lamp, Ultrasonic Cleaner.
Colony Counters for Microbiology
UNIVID Semi-automatic colony counter.
Grinders, Mills
Instruments, Tools for Agriculture
Seed Sampler, Manual Seed Distributor, Sieves, Riddles, Seed Cleaners and Classifiers, Hygrometers and Specific Weight Meter, Portable Fast Infrared Analyzers, Seed Counters, Digital Hectorlitre Densitometer, Gluten Washer with One Workplace, Sedimentation Bolting-Machine, Heap, Stack and Soil Thermometers, Seed Testing Tools, Lenses, Seed Sample Containers.
GluStar System (gluten washer)
Laboratory Furniture
Environmental Protection
Spore and Pollen Traps, Mini Meteorological Station, Thermometers, Barometers and Hygrometers, Electrochemical Instruments, pH
Entomological instruments
Yellowjacket trap
Analytical Balances, Precision Balances, Humidity Meter Balance, Balance for Industry.
SediCom System